wtorek, września 11, 2007

KIM DLA MNIE JEST ? (kliknij)

Przeniesc sie na chwile w cudowny zakatek ciszy i refleksji (kliknij powyzej)
A Kim dla Was jest?

Tutaj znajdziesz wiele przepieknych opowiesci:

1 komentarz:

simon pisze...

Hi there -- sorry I'm posting this right here (couldn't find your e-mail address).

I have been deeply inspired by your blog and now have started to write my own. I would be happy to have a few regular readers and therefore ask you if we could do a "link exchange"?

Please let me know whether you are interested. I live in Switzerland and am excited to find out if I can join the English speaking bloggers' community.



my blog is http://nastypredator.blogspot.com (the design is constantly improved :-) )